Rain water Harvesting
All the roof and concrete area are connected with a large reservoir. Through a project of students it was estimated that roughly 115000 buckets of water can be collected during 10 cm rainfall. The water is used for watering parks and for irrigation purpose.

Cow Ranch
The school is dwelling 10 cows in the campus, wherein four are lactating and gives approximately 36 liters a day. The vision is to captivate at least 25% cows of the total strength of Hostlers. This not only gives pure milk but, also supports a large biogas digester which again in turn supplies cooking methane and slurry for organic farming.

Organic Farming
Cereals (wheat and Bajra),Pulses (Moong and chana), mustard oil, Seasonal vegeables like: Sponge gourd, ridge gourd, cucumber, okra, tomato, potato, onion, garlic, turmeric, spinach, radish, carrot, green coriander, etc are being cultivated organically using biogas manure since 2013. Along with manure, there is a innoculation and incubation of Rhizobium, azotobacter and mycorriza for supplementing Nitrozen and phosphate from atmosphere. The campus is a home to exactly 92 big Neem trees, which produces neem kernels. Students enjoy ripened kernels and the seeds are crushed to extract neem oil, which is used as the only insecticide to combat pests. The school Eco club have reported 28 species of birds species and abundance farmer friendly insects, like: Lady bird beetle, spiders, Green lacewing, honey bee, preying mentis, yellow wasp to keep a check and balance.

Solar Harvesting
The school rooftop is fitted with 40 KW solar power plant and the school load is 20 KW. Thus, surplus power is transferred to Adampur electricity sub station via reverse metering.